A bin az a 16kb teljes video ram tartalma, nincsen semmi fejéc.
A tim fájl szerkezete pedig: (a képszerkesztőm csak a grphics módot, a palettát és a méretet írja bele egyszerűen )
; TVC Image file header - 16 bytes, by default.
; ID string - 3 bytes
; db "TIM"
; Type - 1 byte
; bit1-bit0: color mode as defined in VMODE TVC OS function call
; bit2 : if set, then width and height values are given for the
; picture otherwise the raw data can be copied to the video RAM
; bit6-bit3: 0 - payload contains the raw picture data as payload
; 1 - payload contains a ZX7 compressed picture data
; 2..15 - not specified
; bit7 : 0 - the payload contains a picture
; 1 - not specified
; examples:
; 01h - 4 color mode, raw binary, 4 palette bytes are set
; 06h - 16 color mode, picture dimensions are provided
; Palette - 4 bytes
; P0: color - palette color0, 1 byte, in case of 2 or 4 color modes
; P1: color - palette color1, 1 byte, in case of 2 or 4 color modes
; P2: color - palette color2, 1 byte, in case of 4 color modes
; P3: color - palette color3, 1 byte, in case of 4 color modes
; Dimension - 4 bytes
; ww - the width of the picture in pixels, in case of bit 2 in type set
; WL WH order (512 px wide picture is 00 02)
; hh - the height of the picture in pixels, in case of bit 2 in type set
; HL HH order (255 px high picture is FF 00)
; PLEN - 2 bytes
; length of PAYLOAD in case non-raw format
; PADDING - 2 bytes
; anything
; The image data in the format specified by the h